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Spirit Material - Spirit Voices - Transcripts Direct Voice Recordings - Transcript Frederic Edwin Smit January 15, 2010


- Mr. Leslie Plint.

Mr. S.G. Woods Mrs'. B. Greene
Lord Birkett Lord Birlcenhead.
Spirit Communjcators:
Frederick Edwin Smith - Ist Earl of Birkenhead. Born at Birkenhead on 12th July, 1872.. British politician and lawyer - chose the law as a career. Elected MP. for Walton in 1906, and held that seat until raised to the Lord Chancellorship, In November 1915 he succeeded Sir Edward Carson as Attorney General. In that year he was- also knighted. When David Lloyd George reconstructed his ministry after the 1913 election, the Attorney General was offered the Lord Chancellorship and was raised to the peerage as Viscount Birkenhead in 1919. On vacating the Lord Chancellorship he was made an earl. He died 30th September, 1930.

We would like to make it clear before you, you hear this tape or read the transcription , that during the seance the tape jammed and the machine had to be switched off, but the voice continued although we were unable to tape record, it. Unfortunately, up to that time no name had been given. During the remainder of the seance which lasted for a further half hour, we both remember the voice saying very distinctly; " am Birkenhead." -But whether he was the Spirit communicator before the tape jammed, we could not say, but. we assumed that it was Lord Birkenhead, Towards the end of the seance we also heard him say: "I realise you have been having trouble with your tape, and as the subject is so important, I am going to come through again at your next sitting. However, since the recording of the whole of this tape which combines two séances, Lord Birkenhead has been through to us again, and he has explained that on the very first occasion Lord Birkett was with him and also spoke, and it is Lord Birkett who speaks about having had to pass the sentence of death. But of course also in the first part of this tape. Lord Birkenhead could easily have spoken as well as Lord Birkett, The similarity of voice is due to the fact that the same voice box is being used, and the Spirit voice is being transmitted by thought.

Lord Birkett: Good morning friends. You must excuse me if I do not speak perhaps as well as some of those who come to you from time to time but I am, in comparison to them, an inexperienced communicator. I came this morning because there is something that I very munch wish to discuss, something which I feel in very vital and important to your work, and to the work of all those who are indeed conscious of the brutality and the pointless use of the penalty - the death sentence, l do not think it is possible for any one in your world to imagine the terrible conditions that are to be found in the case of an individual who suffers the death penalty. When I was on your side, it was my duty often to pass sentence, and it is because of this that I particularly wish to come and speak to you to-day, because no one has a more right to discuss this tremendous issue than myself, with the possible exception of my fellow Judges who themselves had the unhappy duty to do this to another human being. I know of the many arguments that are brought forward in regard to this subject, to the vital matter of the taking of human life by law. I had the very unhappy task on more than one occasion to pass the death. sentence, and as I come here and speak to you in this room, unseen by you, but nevertheless is full of souls who came here to our side of life through the execution of the law, and I realise more than ever the utter futility of this act - it has been on my conscience for a very long time, although I acted as I felt at the time in good faith, doing that work which I had to do, and at times feeling more than justified in passing the sentence, knowing the facts of each Individual case; at the same time I felt in most instances, justified in giving forth that sentence of death. I know there are hideous crimes committed, sometimes in cold blood, where there is no justification, or so it seems, for mercy, but in spite of this I realise no matter what the crime, that capital punishment is not the answer. There are various very good reasons for this. Firstly, no matter what the crime, or the condition under which it was executed, the death sentence in itself cannot restore to life the unhappy victim Secondly, taking the life of one who has committed a crime, does not solve nor prevent many other crimes of a similar nature taking place, To take the life of a human being is not, at any time justified, whether it is in law, or outside of law. Death is a tremendous thing in itself whether it be for the victim, or for the one who has committed the crime, or for the ordinary human being who passes under normal circumstances, whether it be by accident, whether it be by war, or whether. it be by passing through the result of illness. The tremendous change called death is, in itself, so vitally important, particularly from the point of view of we on this side who see the reaction of the individuals who come here. Those who pass naturally for them it is perhaps more gentle, more easy and more happy. For those who pass suddenly whether by accident or through the cause of murder, it is tragic and the impact for them is tremendous, and often they are earthbound, and in many instances they seek only the companionship of those left upon the Earth, and not always those that are near and dear to them. But in the case of those whose lives are taken by the law, the slow process of the law, the hideousness of the act in itself of the cold premeditated destroying of life, the preperation, the tremendous thought force that is generated not only from the individual, the murderer, but from all those who are to some extent tainted by it - those in the prison, the warders, the hangman, the people who read about such cases in the newspapers - no one is free from the taint from the atmosphere of this cold premeditated murder by law. It serves no good or useful purpose, it creates terrible conditions, not only on our side, but on yours. If you could see as I have seen since I have come here, the reactions of such people who have boon hanged, you would understand why I am speaking in this fashion. Beside me now, are two souls whose lives were taken in this way by the so-called-justice of the country, and as I look back on their unhappy lives, I realize they were the victims of a passion and a power stronger than themselves. I do not suggest f o r one moment that this absolves them in any way for what happened, but if we cannot have compassion if we cannot have the realization within ourselves that under certain conditions such as this, such as they themselves went through, how do we know that we ourselves might not also have found ourselves in the dock? These two souls the world cannot consider, and neither do I, that they were innocent, That which was done, was done by the man in a moment of passion, in a moment when he himself was really not responsible for his thoughts or his actions, This was not a cold-blooded, calculated murder - this was one of those things which happen in human lives every day, where two men and one woman are involved in the eternal triangle The woman herself, many people at the time thought drove the young man to do this terrible deed - that she incited him. Indeed, in her letters she suggested to him that she had endeavored to do away with her husband. There was no fact in this at all. It was all highly romanticized. She was endeavoring to hold on to the man whom she loved. She was trying to prove to him that he was, to her, more important than anything else, even if it meant sacrifice she was prepared to take the risk, her own life. But this was to a great extent just nonsense,

And the point of view of the fact that she had any intention whatsoever of doing away with her husband. Bywaters and Thompson was a classic case many years ago, which you may recall, and it was a most unfortunate thing that the boy Bywaters had kept this woman's Letters. Anyone who has read those letters,

Anyone who studied the case, anyone who saw the woman, as I did, in the dock would know full well that this was a case of a woman, who lived a great deal mentally within herself, she romanticized everything, she created as it were, a whole aura of romance and passion. She led a very dull, drab, uninteresting life... (It was at this point that the tape jammed, and the machine had to be switched of. However, Three weeks later, on the 19th April, 1962,we had an other sitting with the Medium, and Lord Birkenhead did come through again as he had promised, and continue his talk.)

19th April.1962

Lord Birkenhead: There was difficulty with your machine. There was no doubt a great disappointment to you, and certainly it has given me the opportunity in the meantime of making myself a little more familiar with the particular method of contact with your world, and also to revise to some extent, some of the things that I had to talk to you about, not that I have changed substance, but in various things that I have to say to you. I am very conscious of the fact that, in certain quarters it will not be very acceptable, but that is to be expected.

Some long time ago when I was on your side I wrote a book. In this book I recorded my impressions, my findings, my opinions regarding various forms of trials. Certainly those trials I have every reason to believe, were very well conducted and very fair, and typical of British justice, but I have, since being here, been able to acquaint myself with further facts, further knowledge in regard to certain cases, and of course I have seen, as I think I told you last time, the effects upon individuals who are sent here through- (here lord Birkenhead broke off for a few seconds, but came through again saying-) Justice is a word which often is misused, and indeed one could so easily say that justice in itself is something which is very rarely justified. This may sound perhaps, an odd remark, because I would not suggest for one moment that criminals in your world should go unpunished. I realize only to well that if this were so life would be intolerable, and of course it would be an impossible situation for the mass of humanity. But at the same time, justice in itself does not solve the problem or the problems of society, quite often because the interpretation of justice is not always correct, or human, or sensible, or spiritual, or Christian. When man sins against society, society is outraged and society immediately is on the defensive, and invariably in consequence commits a crime, often as bad as the criminals, and often even worse. I am of the opinion that there must come eventually many changes in criminal law, and the most outstanding and the most in need of change obviously is the cutting off of life by law, whether it is through the hangman's noose, or whether it is brought about by some other method. The law as it stands to day is truly an ass. I can't remember whether it was Gilbert that once said in one of his operettas that the law was an ass. But there is no doubt about that in is this particular respect it is an ass, because nothing justifies the taking of life outside the law or inside. Indeed, one might almost say that sometimes there is more justification for the taking of life outside the law than in it, because that which is done in the heat of the moment, in the fit of temper, that which the person commits in that mad moment, almost insane moment - I do not say it is justified of course - but there is at least some excuse. There is NO excuse for the cold-blooded, calculated murder which, or course", is what happens when the law decides to take a life.
These views that I now hold are quite opposed to the views I held when on your side, but I have seen the effects on this side of the law's sending over unprepared souls, people whoso minds are in such torment and turmoil, and some whose thoughts are full of revenue and hatred and malice, bitterness, intolerance. In other words souls are often sent here unprepared, unready, and they linger close to the Earth, earthbound, desirous of revenue upon society, and in my opinion many of these repetitious crimes that you have, are caused through the influence brought to bear by souls on this side who are earthbound, impinging themselves upon individuals in your world who often, in themselves, are mentally unstable, causing them to commit the self-same crime. I think if society knew more, indeed much more about what happens at death, society would arrange and alter many things. We see the effects of the deeds done by men on Earth, quite often men of goodwill, men who are Christian in their principles and character, in many instances admirable men and women, but so much is done in ignorance, the same as the crime that is often committed "by the criminal in foolishness, in ignorance, in a moment of anger so we see the same thing committed over and over again by the state, by the law. When one thinks of the innumerable thousands upon thousands of souls that are sent here before their time, unprepared, unready. These souls that are brought to bear arms against their brothers, in whose heart there is no malice, no hatred, only that which is whipped up by government, and public press, who are sent out to so-called defend their country. They are the little puppets that have no control, they have but to obey, and they are like instruments used in the hands of unwieldy surgeons. We are ever conscious on this side of the hypocrisy, of the foolishness of the few who bring about the tragedies of human lives, the miseries that come into your world by those in authority. The ordinary man, the simple man, the man whose one desire is to live at peace with his neighbor in the world, who desires only his own little plot of land, his own fireside, "to bring, up his children in peace and quietude -he is the puppet, he is the poor piece of clay that is molded and shaped by those who take upon themselves the responsibility of the sculptor, often who has no imagination on and no consideration, and thinks not in terms of peace.
I speak as I do speak, because 1feel so intensely the wrongs of society. I feel so intensely the wrongs that are committed, often in the name of justice, and what even makes it worse, of the so-called Christian outlook and upbringing. I am reminded over and over again of the simple teachings of the Christ, when they were about to stone the unfortunate woman let him who is without sin cast the first stone". And not one threw a stone. I know these problems are very big problems, particularly to-day in your world which seems to become more and more vicious, more and more full of hatred and intolerance, in a world in which fear predominates, and youth seems to have the attitude of mind, 'let us enjoy to-day, for who knows what tomorrow may bring. And how right they are the youth of your day to say in return, to retaliate and say: 'this is the world which you, our fathers have created, can you blame us if we want to enjoy ourselves to-day? You are the ones who created the havoc and the mess, and there is no certainty in this uncertain world." Often I know your youth of to-day is criticized, and though I understand the feelings of my generation of peoples, one cannot blame the young for having little faith, for what is this world in which you 'find yourselves today-this chaotic state of affairs of in which you find ourselves, each day more perplexed, more puzzled, more uncertain, more unsafe? After two world wars you find yourselves ;in the same position as before, in a world of fear and uncertainty. Hatred breeds revenue, intolerance breeds all those things which are happening in your world to-day, there is no faith, no trust anywhere. You have this terrible, terrible arms race, nation pitting its wealth against nation, using that wealth not for the welfare of the the human race, but for the destruction, and the excuse is always that we must be prepared, because otherwise we are like a house without protection, and any burglar may enter and steal our goods;" If only one Could make you understand in your world, that some day, somehow, some one nation big nation has to learn to trust and have faith If this present state of affairs is allowed to continue, we all know what the result of this will ultimately be. Whatever the politicians may say to you, you can be assured that if this arms race continues, the ultimate issue is too terrible to think about. There is no justice, no true justice in your world. To-day Man lives by fear,and ultimate this fear shall destroy him. Man has no faith, and feels that to protect himself he must kill, whether it is in the court, or whether it is in the outside world of politics, or even in religion, seed this terrible Good, that each and every aspect, that the ultimate end is destruction. We have those in authority who would take the life of someone, thinking that they are doing right and protecting society. If they did but know it, they are not protecting society. There are other ways, better ways, more sane, more sensible, more humane, more christian ways of defending society. These unfortunate people who are often anyway, quite insane, who commit murder and so on, could be put to useful work in some way. They could be Made to serve society and be the given the opportunity to work out their own salvation and repentance. Society has no right to take that life, if they could see the effects front this side as we see them, they would hesitate to change the law as it stands. And then again, we have the same thing in a wider sense, of the nation taking life by organized rule and regulation, regimentation of human beings, turning them into mass murderers, his not - is this not even more cruel, more insane? I say to you 'that time must surely come, and I would have; thought that the power and the of atomic warfare would have brought humanity to its senses, that governments and nations would have seen the utter futility of going on, as they are going - on, day in and day out* I know that nations come together, at least heads of nations come together, and they discuss the whole of problem, but they never reach any agreement. No solution is found use of this terrible fear that one nation may be that much more powerful than another. And so they go on trying to overcome the other one's superiority, more money and weapons are brought into being money that could be used for saving humanity, for finding ways and means of curing diseases, helping those who Are in desperate need, who are on the verge of starvation, helping the young with their education and their future, helping the old and the infirm, finding so many ways of serving God and serving humanity. But all the effort is being in the direction of destroying. Society seems bent on destroying life.
When I was on your side, I had many opportunities and ad vantages given to few. I saw every aspect that it was possible to visualize, and to see all types of humanity, ant to some extent I learnt from those experiences, but I realize as I see now so clearly, That I learnt very little. I do not think I was an intolerant man, but I realize that I might have done so much more, and this is the cry that springs up from the hearts of pretty well every soul that comes here. Looking back, how differently I might have done this or that, how Differently I might have acted under such a situation, if only I had been a little more considerate, a little more patient, a little more understanding, a little more humane, and if you like, a little more Christian. Religions fundamentally have so much in common, but their differences are many. Though they are now perhaps a little more polite than they used to be in the centuries gone by, it does not alter the fact that there is this sort of arms race in a different sense, even among the religious bodies. There is no unity; there is no true Christian brotherhood, no true understanding. The simplicity of the teachings, the reality of the teachings of Christ seldom exist among those who preach them. We see Christ crucified from this side every moment of your living day by those in the church, and those outside it, and there is some exuse for those outside the Church, but there is no excuse for those inside it, and the higher you go in the ranks, the more apparent it becomes. Here and there are sincere souls, devout Christians who endeavor and do the will of God, but there are so many high places in my opinion, which are very un-Christ like. What an appalling state of affairs is it when we look into your world and see into the hearts of men, How often do we see the Pilates among them!
I say to you My friend, that the things I say and the work that you Endeavour to do. Will be most popular! But take comfort in the fact that all the great teachers, all the great prophets, all those who have endeavored to bring, Truth, into the world all those who have endeavored to do God's will, truly do God's will, have been persecuted. Christ was persecuted during, His lifetime but believe me Christ has been more persecute by his followers since, than ever He was during His lifetime.
This great country of ours, this England with it great history. Its great background, has done much for the welfare of the human race.
Like all great nations it has had its setbacks, and possible to-day it is no longer considered the great nation that is was, but it alters not the fact that here in this country there is more opportunity, true opportunity, for progression, than in any other country in the world. I know that England has made its mistakes in the past, and there are many offences in the eyes of God, but nevertheless, this nation, this country has done much, but I feel it could do more, so much more, and I feel that has a golden opportunity at this moment to set an example to the world, but it will need all the faith that it is possible to have, to do it. It will need all the support of the so called Christians, and the Christian movement and the Church in particular, to do it.
There are some souls in your world and they are as usual the ordinary people, who are trying desperately to start to do something, to set an example, But as usual they are persecuted by the law, by the states, by society, they are misrepresented, deliberately often by the Press, But I say to you that this could be a great moment if this country would stand firm for peace in the truest possible sense. You have seen and suffered too much from the effects of war to ever desire, or want or condone another, and I say to you that this is the opportunity to set the example, to show the path, to be truly Christian, to have faith in God, In His will and His purpose. Truly this is the opportunity. I know how difficult it is. I know now easy it is to side with one's neighbor, because it is easier to be with the herd, it is always more comfortable to be with the herd, but I would say to you there is a good Shepherd who loves His flock, and He will not have one that is lost, but will go out to find it.
This is a time of peace in the Christian sense, and at the same time it is the time of resurrection, of a new life, re-birth. If only it were possible to show you what that really means, to make the whole world conscious of the true meaning of the Resurrection. There is no death, only that which seems thereof. We live, and we constantly try to inspire you. I ask you, I beg of you, I plead with you to do all in your power to bring this great and glorious truth of survival to all humanity. Christ appeared to His disciples after His death., in the Upper Room. He appeared to the women in the garden. He appeared on many occasions to give the proof that was needed to those who doubted. You are living in a doubting world. You are living in a world that has failed miserably, but with this Truth, with this knowledge, with this realization, with this tremendous oneness of spirit that we try to implant within you, with this barrier called, death broken down, truly we can overcome the evils within Man. We can put back his feet on the path of spiritual progression; we can turn him back, as it ware, from the evils of war, and intolerance, and bitterness. We can implant within Man the Truth, and that Truth shall make him free, and he shall learn to live and to dwell in peace and in harmony one with another, all nations under one God.
The Churches have a great responsibility - they have failed so utterly in the past, and they know it in their hearts, though they may not admit it, for if truly Christianity had held sway, many of the evils of your world would have disappeared, and certainly war would have been a thing of the past. The Church must not support war, the Church owes it to human: for they are the shepherds, and humanity are the sheep. If the shepherd: do not lead right, then the sheep will stray from the fold, and indeed many have strayed. I say to you, my friends, that in this great and glorious truth of the resurrection of every human soul, lies the answer to the world's problems. When Man realizes that your life is not the end, butt it is merely, as it were, the schoolroom in which your lessons must be learnt then surely when people realize the importance of your life in its true perspective, that it is a preparatory school for that which is to come, then they would think more deeply, more surely, and act accordingly. We come to help you, we come to guide you, to uplift you, to inspire you, and if possible in all our efforts to bring you the peace which you so desire - • peace which can come if you will but help us to make it possible.
There are many things I, and others, wish to talk: to you about, but we must be patient, we must do what we can as best we can under the circumstances that are given to us. I myself, am grateful to you, because I know that you are desperately trying to help others, to open their eyes that they may see that light which comes from the spheres that will guide them gently, but surely on out of the darkness, and in this world of darkness of yours to-day, how desperately it needs just this glimmer of light You, my friends, have a great responsibility placed upon you, but I know you cannot fail, because that work which you do is- greater than yourselves by far, for it is the work of God. There will be those who will try and persuade you otherwise, they will say it is not so, it is not true, or if it is, it is of the Devil, 'because the things they say don't agree with us, and we're of the Church, we're of the truth, we know! They will try and persuade you otherwise because we do not necessarily say always the things that they would like us to say, but we are not going to tell half truths; we are not going to lie to please a few. We are here to speak truth, and where we see those who fail, we shall not be afraid to denounce^ but we do it in all kindliness, in all sweetness of humility, because we love all God's children Irrespective of who they may be, or what their position, or lack of it, we are only concerned with the unification of the human race, the harmonizing of nations and peoples, and the bringing truly to the world Christ's teachings, following His footsteps, and endeavoring to fulfill His work, and therefore if we see error, we shall point it out, and where-,- we see that which we can praise, we shall praise.
My friends, go on in strength and have no doubts that you are being helped, guided, and blessed in all your efforts. Do not feel, as sometimes indeed you must feel, that the task is too immense, too impossible, because the little that it seems to you that you do, spreads, and others will join, a ad others will do the came as you, making the same efforts - you will be amazed how your work will spread and be blessed in consequence.
I will come and talk to you again on another occasion.

B.G. Please before you go, will you put your name on the tape for us? Lord Birkenhead ; Just say I am Birkenhead - I was once Chancellor of of England,and that's a long time ago.
