October 25, 2024
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Announcements Announcements 2019
Art journey in the afterlife - June 09, 2019

Op 1 juni 2019 is Aart Bosman/Art begonnen aan zijn reis in het hiernamaals.

We zullen hem missen! Hij was een goede vriend.

De website blijft gewoon in de lucht zoals we ook hem afgesproken hebben en zijn wens was zodat mensen bekend kunnen blijven worden met het hiernamaals en het werk van Oahspe.

U bent vrij ons te schrijven en uw ervaringen te delen of eventueel om ons iets te vertellen over uw contact of vriendschap met Aart.


Aart Bosman / Art started his journey in the afterlife on 1 June 2019.

We'll miss him! He was a good friend.

The website will remain in the air just as we agreed with him and his wish was that people can continue to become familiar with the afterlife and the work of Oahspe through his website.

You are still free to write a message if you would like to share your experience or tell us something about your friendship or contact with Art.


Lazlo Novak . 12-04-2019 Great ufo s very clear . - April 13, 2019

Hallo friends  .  My  friend  Lazlo  filmed  clear ufo.s in day time .  And evening time . 

This was filmed with his own camera  , With a live website over mexoco City.  On 12-04-2019  .

I will give you the link on the bottom .  

You can makeup your own mind what they are,  , There are not airplanes  , Any one with good eys can see that.  Art.  


Ufo's in groups. 2009 - April 10, 2019

Hi friends .  In 2009. i found a film  were ufo's were very plain visible  .  including a mothership.  please watch this.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MySKr678zEM    . Enyoy art.    

Message.  Two two came of my foot .  trying to have the wounds healed  .  am couped up at home. for a long time now  .  but still going strong  .  love to all Art.  


Back home from Hospital Art - February 22, 2019

Hi folks  , have been away in Hospital for a long time  .. The last thing they did , is amputate two little toeson the right foot  . And that is starting to heal  /. i walk with Ankle walker  . a very high boot . that spread the pressure all over the foot  . You can mail me anytime . if you like  .  art.