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Esoteric Books Book index January 12, 2010

Bookindex of the Esoteric Books section. The index dates from 2010 but it will give a good impression of what can be found there !

First the 1th Folder Etheric word books Part 1

A wanderer in the spirt lands By A Farnese. Very informatieve book. Spirit was first in Hell.
Antiquity Unveiled. Ancient spirit voices Comments By J.M. Roberts esq
Facts ..... By Anthony Borgia . The book 4, written by the Spirit Hugh Benson.
Inside The space ships By George Adamski 1955
Ghostland By Emma Hardinge Britten Chicago 1897
Ghost In Solid Form By Gambier Bolton
Gone West By J.S.M. Ward 1920
Heaven and earth By Anthony Borgia . Last book written by the Spirit Author Hugh Benson.
Here and herafter By Anthony Borgia book 3 written by Spirit author Hugh Benson
Kosmoi Noetikon Author Unknown
Life After Death Author Neville Randall Script to the tape of Alfred prichett

Elsewere on the website

Life In the world unseen By Anthony Borgia book 1 written by Spirit author Hugh Benson
Materialisations By Harry Boddington
More about life in the world unseen By Anthony Borgia book 2 written by Spirit Author Hugh Benson
More Light By Anthony Borgia Book 5 written by Spirit Author Hugh Benson
My life in two worlds By Gladys Osborne Leonard . With Foreword by Sir Oliver Lodge
My experiences while out of my body By Cora L.V. Richmond 1913
Oahspe English New Medium John Ballou NewBorough. Published 1882
On the Edge of the Etheric Author Arthur Findlay .
Orfeo Angelucci's Contakt I got this given to Me, do not know , if it has any value
Out of Body Experiece By Robert Peterson
Principals of Nature By Andrew Jackson Davis
People from the other world By Henry s. Olcott The Eddy Family
Private Dowding By Neville Spearman
Spiritual Enlightment By Pete
Spiritual Spheres By Mrs cora L.V. Richmond. 1886
Suicide From the book the "Bright light if dead" By Annabel Chaplin 1977
Survival Doc Hopi By Michel Irving
The last Crossing By Glady's Osborne Leonard
The road to immortality by Geraldine Cummings
There is no death By Florence Marriat
The Betty book By Stewart Edward White 1937
The Blue Room By Clive Chapman
The dead have never died By Edward C. Randall
The History of Spiritualism Volume 1 (1926) by Arthur Conan Doyle
The History of Spiritualism Volume 2 ( 1926) by Artur Conan Doyle
The Mediumship of Jack Webber By Harry Edwards
The Profit and loss of dying By Clyde Irion
The Road I Know By Steward Edward white. !942
The Stars Are Still There By Steward Edward White 1946
The Thinning Of The Veil By Mary Bruce Wallis
The Unobstructed Universe By Steward Edward White 1940
The Way Of Life By Arthur Findlay.
The Word And The Way Recorded Through Tea
They Walked Among Us By Louie Harris
Thirty Years Among the Dead By DR. Carl Wickland
Trance Adresses By Wayne Sturgion
Believing Your Dreams In Reality By Strange The Jim
Where Two Worlds Met By Arthur Finlay
With Folded Wings By Steward Edward White 1947

Part Two - Pdf books

The book of revelations By Brian T. Herbert
A guide To Mediumship By E.W. And M.H. Wallis In Three parts
AFTER DEATH or Letters from Julia by Hon William Stead . (1849-1912)
Beyond The Five Senses By L. MAGERY BAZETT 1946
BLUE PLANET PROJECT By Westchester camp. . Strange book Could very well be true.
Broadcasting from beyond By A.E. PERRIMAN 1952
COMMUNICATING With the next world  By WILLIAM T. STEAD. 1921
Contakt with the other world By James H. HYSLOP. 1919
Dear God Author Unknown
Dead And The Afterlife By Andrew Jackson Davis
Gateway of Understanding By Carl A(ugust) Wickland 1934
George Adamski and the flying saucers from Venus Foto's and explaination
George Wahington Profhesies of America
Ghost In Solid Form By Gambier Bolton
Ghostland By Emma Harding Britten
GLIMPSES OF THE NEXT STATE By Admiral W.Usborne More 1911
Healing Currents - From the battery of life By Walter Defoe
INCEDENTS IN MY LIFE BY Daniele Dunglass HOME (1833-1886) written 1864
LETTERS FROM THE OTHER SITE Written by Philemon 1919
Light From Beyond By Herma Berh. 1923 Such very nice poems by Spirit.
Mary Ann Carew By Carlile Petersilea. 1893
My Travels in the SPIRITWORLD. By Caroline D. Larson
My experiences while out of my body By Cora L.V. Richmond 1913
Oahspe Placed by Steven. Writing Medium John Ballou Newborough.
OAHSPE Totall English . Writing Medium John Ballou Newborough
Trance Adresses  By Wayne Sturgeon .
Pheneas Speaks By Arthur Conan Doyle
Private Dowding A Personal story of a soldier killed in battle.
Spirit world and Spirit life By Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser 1922
Spirit Teachings By Willian Stainton Moses
The Spiit World By Eugene Crowell. MD. 1879.
Spiritual Ascension - In the light of Spiritual Ascension S.E. York Faithist priest
Spiritual Spheres By Mrs Cora L.V. Richmond. 1886.
Spiritual Journey's Teachings from another dimension By Michael Connolly
The Last Crossing By Glaydys Osborne Leonard
The Road To Immortallity By F.W.H. Meyers
There is no Dead By Florence Marryat
The Afterlife book By George Meek
The Betty Book By Stewart Edward White
The Blue Island By W.T. Stead. 1922
The Bright light of dead By Annabell Chaplin .1984 (For bringing spirits to the light , And About the pitfalls of suicide)
The Case of Lester Coltman By Lilian Walbrook. Introduction by Arthur Conan Doyle.
The dead have never die By Edward C. Randall
The Future Life Through By Mrs. Ellisabeth Sweet Boston 1869
The Gate of Heaven By R.J.Leys. 1931
The History of Spiritualism By Arthur Conan Doyle. 1926 Volume 1
The History Of Spiritualism By Arthur Conan Doyle 1926 Volume 2
The Life Beyond The Veil By The Rev. G.(eorge) Vale Owen. 1921
The Mediumship of Jack Webber By Harry Edwards. 1940
The Profit and loss of Dying By Clyde Irion. 1969 (All about rescue work.)
The Road I Know By Steward Edward White. 1942
The Science of Mind By Ernest Shurtleff Holmes. 1926
The Spiritual Teache By R.P. Ambler (Medium) 1852
The Stars are Still There By Steward Edward White. 1946
The Strange Story Of Ahrinziman By Anita Silvani. 1908
The Unobstructed Universe By Steward Edward White. 1940
The Vortex Within By the Elders Medium Wayne Sturgeon , Canada
The Word And The Way By Unknown
The Book In Heaven By The Elders By Medium Wayne Sturgeon - Canada
The Mars Records By Stephanie Relfe B. Sc. Book 1
The Mars Records By Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. Book 2
The Witness By Jessy Platts 1920
Thirty Years Among The Dead By Dr. Carl Wickland
Trance Address By Emma Hardinge Britten 1866
Twixt Two Worlds (The life and work of William egliton) By John S. Farmer. 1886
Was Abraham Lincoln A spiritualist By Nettie Colburn Maynard. 1917
With Folded Wings By Steward Edward White. 1947
Cancer: Why we are still dying to know the truth By Phillip Day
Claude's Book By L. Kelway-Balmer 1919 Introduction By Arthur Conan Doyle
Letters From The Other Side By a.b. And C.D. 1919
Reincarnation File

Books In Dutch - Boeken in het Nederlands

De Broederschap van Faithist Door The kosmon press
De Dageraad van Kosmon Door Agustine Cahill 1965
De Poort naar begrip Door Carl A. Wickland
Het Christendom is gebaseerd op geloof Door Malaney Polley
Het geheime Dagboek van Admiraal Bird Door Admiraal Bird
Meer over het Leven in de Ongeziene Wereld Door Anthony Borgia
Oahspe - In het Nederlands Door John Ballou Newborough
Project Aarde Door Westchester Kamp