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Announcements Announcements 2013
Dogs can Drive - December 24, 2013

  This was to funny  not to show  .  but i never done it this way  I hope it works  .  It is just a funny movie 


But i give it a try  . https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?feature=player_detailpage&v=fybch3DX8c8   

Real Ufo landed dec 6 2013 with occupants showing - December 13, 2013

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suBp3ai-xG8 It is on my website the real film.

here https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/downloadufovideos in the folder. ufo films in dec 2013. the live film is there not a youtube.


filmed dec 6 2013

New Spiritbox venture - September 14, 2013

  Hallo everyone  . 


Have  started on something new a couple of weeks ago  .  That is working, with a so-called spirit box  .  It is in a sence   EVP communication  .  The tools i use for that  . Are A s-sb7 Spiritbox  it is called .  and a recorder  .  And my own self  .  And i try to talk to spirits  , that are in my house , ot where ever spirits Are  . could be anywhere I gues  ..  But ever since I started  ..  I have had one Spirit  . that comes forward A lot  .  And He calls Himself Albert Mantel  .  I have a feeling  . that he is helping me  .  But he has not said so  ..  I am still waiting for the answer  .    I had thos few session . I made  . posted on my website  ..   But they did not play properly  ..  So now I have moved them to my Youtube site .   They are located here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCG-8OfmMtQNYs1BmsrQ7og   . Now if you like  and have interest   you can go there and have a look .  I hope that if I have good session    i will post more there  . So post this site at your bookmarks if you like  Here is a  friend  . who explaine what a spirit box is  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGszej9eDGo.  you can learn about it from Steven . art

New Spiritbox venture - September 14, 2013

  Hallo everyone  . 


 started on somnething new a couple of weeks ago  .  That is working with a so-called spirit box  .  It is in a sence   EVP communication  .  The tools i use for that  . Are A s-sb7 Spiritbox . it is called .  and a recorder  .  And my own self  .  And i try to talk to spirits  , that are in my house , ot where ever spirits Are  . could be anywhere I gues  ..  But ever since I started  ..  I have had one Spirit  . that comes forward A lot  .  And He calls Himself Albert Mantel  .  I have a feeling  . that he is helping me  .  But he has not said so  ..  I am still waiting for the answer  .    I had thos few session . I made  . posted on my website  ..   But they did not play properly  ..  So now I have moved them to my Youtube site .   They are located here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCG-8OfmMtQNYs1BmsrQ7og   . Now if you like  and have interest   you can go there and have a look .  I hope that if I have good session    i will post more there  . So post this site at your bookmarks if you like Art 

New Spiritbox venture - September 14, 2013

  Hallo everyone  . 


 started on somnething new a couple of weeks ago  .  That is working with a so-called spirit box  .  It is in a sence   EVP communication  .  The tools i use for that  . Are A s-sb7 Spiritbox . it is called .  and a recorder  .  And my own self  .  And i try to talk to spirits  , that are in my house , ot where ever spirits Are  . could be anywhere I gues  ..  But ever since I started  ..  I have had one Spirit  . that comes forward A lot  .  And He calls Himself Albert Mantel  .  I have a feeling  . that he is helping me  .  But he has not said so  ..  I am still waiting for the answer  .    I had thos few session . I made  . posted on my website  ..   But they did not play properly  ..  So now I have moved them to my Youtube site .   They are located here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCG-8OfmMtQNYs1BmsrQ7og   . Now if you like  and have interest   you can go there and have a look .  I hope that if I have good session    i will post more there  . So post this site at your bookmarks if you like Art 

Treasure of Faithist writings - August 25, 2013

  There  Has been a new book uploaded to the website  .  Produced By Bob Bayer  .  from Japan   .  Pertaining to Oahspe Material  .  It is both upladed In Pdf  And In word . doc. 

title A Treasure of Faithist writings   by Bob Bayer  .    Art 

2013 New letter from Diana In spirit . about her grandsom - July 29, 2013

. Diana posted a letter  . about her grandson  . She is ever so happy  .  Go to the website  . In dianas letter corner  . it is posted there to day .  Art 


here . i hope you can go there directly  


The Great Shame of What The White man Did , to The Indian Native people of America - June 11, 2013

. Watch this Movie  ..  And see what Evil  . the American Whiteman Did  To the Native Indians


The Movie  . Is now on my website  .  We will Show the world  . Of the Shamefull way those Indian People were treated  

 The Movie  was in the wrong  map 

the movie is located . in this folder     All Videos  . In a special Map called   very special Videos  

here https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/esotericbookspage.  

Name of the film is  The Wellbriety Journey of Forgives . But it means " torture  of Indian Children  in Boardingschools "

Confessions about ufos are coming forward. From high ranking people - 03 05 2013 anonymous goes on the record dying cia - May 06, 2013

Confessions about ufos are coming forward.  From high ranking people  .   have the movies  on record to prove it

Hear is on from a dying CIA agent   

US Army Veteran Soldier Deathbed Confession "I Saw Live Roswell Alien" In Camp Wallace, Virginia, US Paul Epley who in his 80's had worked in army as Army Master Sergeant, First Sergeant, Company Commander and work for Government. Paul is fighting cancer and wants to get three things off his conscience one of it is "we are not alone" and other two already published in our last article Here  .  the movie is on my website  . 
here . Filmed on 3 may 2013 . Here on the site https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/downloadufovideos  below is the film     
03 05 2013 anonymous goes on the record dying cia agent speaks up.avi(589.4mb)

And another incident  . on may 4  . A canadian politician that comes forward as wel.  

Here is the url  . Very reavealing  . https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xF9taUXdij8

and here is the movie on my site  

04 05 2013 living ets working with us government.avi (243mb)

They all seem to come forward now  . with their secrets  . This is exiting  . to say the least art

real ufo lander dec 6 2013 with occupants showing - art - April 30, 2013


In the folder  . ufo films in Dec 2013  . the live film is there  .  not a youtube .   Art   filmed dec 6 2013  .  
NEW Totally Different Layou of my website - April 28, 2013
My Friend Hall In Holland . gave my website . A totally new look .. that pleased me tremendous . So go and have a look fast https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/ Very same Adress .. Whooppy Art
New UFO Material - Films from a UFO filmer - friend in Australia - April 11, 2013

 His Name is Lou Canola.  

He has spectacular films to show us.  You can go to his website and see all his films.

Or you can see some of his best film here on my website  .. His Folder is located 


Lou's  youtube website:


Hope to have given you a little more proof  that ufo's Do excist!


A new book added to the Pdf files - Gerald Massey Ancient Egypt Light of the World.pdf - April 01, 2013

Gerald Massey Ancient Egypt Light of the World.pdf

I placed this book on my website. Under protest. I am not behind  all it writes. But is is a nice book to see and most likely to read as well.  So I give it to you.

You go and find out for yourself. And your own judment.

Go to  download books  https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/esotericbooks  and than down load it from Books in pdf.  It is located there.  art

More films aded to the Leslie Flint recordings - March 31, 2013

Hallo everyone,

Added 15 films to the leslie flint tapes. They are the ones with a name starting up front like this
"Amy Johnson Leslie Flint Spirit Communication Part.1.avi"

The real leslie flint tapes all have LF in front of it.

Here is the folder: https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/dvp

These new films add to the value of the Leslie Flint files. We  found them all on youtube.

They were posted yesterday.

Have Fun


Leslie Flint - Amy Johnston - The wartime pilot comes through to tell her story - March 29, 2013

upload on 5 dec 2011
Amy Johnson CBE, Spirit Communication
Medium: Leslie Flint 
Recording is over 45 years old.

Today I placed two film about the famous war time woman pilot Amy Johnson. She tells via the voicebox of Leslie Flint. How she died. These two films came on youtube in 2011 and show who she was  in picture. Those films proof the power of the mediumship of Leslie Flint . 

I converted them to regular films and posted them on my website.. In the Leslie flint folder on the Direct Voice Recordings page:


The two films  are on the bottom of the pages.  With a lot of pictures. Of Amy

Here are also the two you tube adresses.

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx4Qra4H7V4

part 2  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPNxUvzVBpw


UFO Films uploaded today, that I filmed myself last year 2012 - over the city of Zwolle - March 16, 2013

Hallo everyone,

Last year I started to film with two different cameras. Over the City of Zwolle in Holland looking for Ufo's 

I have two cameras. One is the Bresser camera for night filming that is how most of these films were made and the Samsung SCB 2000. I use with a infrared lens in front of  the main lens  for daytime filming in infrared.  I hope you will enjoy them.

Go here to watch them on my own You Tube Channel:



New Mayan Artifacts prove Alien Contact - March 14, 2013

Mayan film proving Alien Contact is now on my website:



Jim Dennon Files - February 10, 2013

The Actial Jim Dennon files have been put on my website  today.  

Were ? Go to https://esotericbooks.deds.nl/index.php/content/esotericbooks

Than go to Book Oahspe very Special and there you will find it.

These files explain Oahspe totally and everything else.


Books on Silverbirch - January 10, 2013

 The Folder  . books  on Silver birch  .  Has been deleted of my website   ..  I found the are full of the reincarnation  theory  .  And i am not behind  . that  . 

 So i have dicided to scrap them   anyone that wants them  . can find them on internet  .. But  What i do not support  .  I will not  Place  on my site  ..   art .

Parson's boy - January 03, 2013

Parson's boy - An entry made  by Ken Mills  in Special Corner Ken on the main page.


Very good.
