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Spirit Material - Spirit Voices - Transcripts Direct Voice Recordings - Transcript Arthur Findley Tape January 14, 2010

These words are Spoken by Arthur Findley
And put in writing by David Breakell

Man says, Hello. A Lady then says something unintelligible

Arthur Findlay: As a matter of fact. it's quite understandable, I would havethought. Youre so deeply involved, both of you, with the work. And yetendeavouring in your own way to serve, and my goodness me, you do serve. I onlywish to goodness others who have this movement at heart would do as much as youdo.

Lady : Who are we speaking to? Bless you for coming.We are very saddened and very concerned about the state of the Spiritualistmovement. The whole shortage of excellent mediums is an instance, and I amquite convinced that others could be developed and brought into being, and themovement would prosper as a consequence. For I do regret that there does notseem to be any harmony, and it is a most unfortunate thing that this greattruth, this great knowledge which you have been placed with, the help, and theguidance and the Spiritual realisation that has been presented to you in yourworld, that so little has been done by so many who might be of great service, whomight propagate these things of which we so long have endowed the wait.We are very depressed, you know, and I suppose that strikes you as odd thatwe on this side should ever be depressed, but it is our only crime in theconditions of life over here. We are not depressed, of course. We do relate to yourworld, we do relate to the conditions in your world which have been createdby humanity or the worldwide. We get very disconsolate, very depressed, verysad, and think we mind those who confess to know these truths, who should bepropagating them and demonstrating them, not only in the psychic and theSpiritual sense, but in their daily lives, as examples. They should be setting examples.How can you speak? how is it possible?

Lady asks - Are you Mr. Findlay?

A.F. Yes.

Lady: I thought so, Bless you.

A.F. And I am very disheartened, I realise that human beings are humanbeings. No one is perfect, of course. This is to be expected. And I know that thereare sincere individuals who are doing their utmost as best they can in theirown particular way But I do realise only too well that there is a greatundermining of the movement going on here and there. I only wish to goodness itwere possible to sort it out, and straighten it out and put the movement back onthe pinnacle which I feel sure it should occupy.

Lady. Mr Findlay. may I ask you a question about all this.

A.F. By all means.

Lady: Is it possible that if I were more often at Stansted Hall, you would beable to help people realise a lot more how wrongly they are going. And thankyou very much for using me, for being able to use me.. Should I make myselfmore available for you.Speaking together: AF I hope so..... Lady: I know very well....

AF: I dont want you to get the wrong impression, but I want to clarify if Ican, certain points. You know as well as I do that I have devoted many yearsof my life to the movement, of propagating the movement through my books, andthe endowment that I gave to the Spiritualist movement. How that it should bean open forum, that it should be utilised, that the house should be utilisedfor propagating this truth for the development of these students who can serveand be of great service in an outer world, and they should use the college as acollege where they can be trained, and where they could be sent out.Id always hoped that it could be used in that sense, that it could be atraining college where people could learn about the movement, the aspects ofmediumship, the development of mediumship. Where they could be trained, wherethey could be housed, where they could be educated, where they could find a way inwhich which they could best serve, and they could be sent out and about, to goto societies churches, to propaganda meetings, presenting the subjectintelligently, rationally, and evidentially. But it seems to me as if it hasdeveloped into what is a second rate hotel, with not very good service. And poorfood!!
Im sorry if I have to say this but the standard of mediumship by and largeis enough to put most intelligent people off. I think this is very sad. Irealise there is a shortage of first class mediums, and not enough encouragementand development is taking place for other forms of mediumship such as thephysical, which after all is what convinced me. It was the physical aspect of thiswhole subject that gave me the conviction, through Sloane, and occasionallyothers, and I feel it is sadly lacking.
Im not suggesting that you mustn't have or shouldn't have mental mediums.Of course you must have mental mediums, and they are the absolutely necessaryessential you should have healing also. But the point is that I do feel thereis a great dearth of good physical mediumship. And we need physical mediums.Why aren't they utilising this form of mediumship. Why aren't mediums beingdeveloped. Why isn't the college being used as a development centre of good firstclass mediumship that can demonstrate the truth to the world.
I feel there is a great lack of co-operation, a great lack of co-ordination.And it seems to me at the moment that your work is, well I don't know whetherI should say split, but it certainly seems bereft to a certain extentanyway of harmony and love and friendship and brotherhood. Why don't they pooltheir resources? Why don't they cast out for themselves all these stupidities andweaknesses which are wrecking the movement? Why don't they get on with the job?Man speaks: Well unfortunately there's a lack of finance here. I do what Ican, Arthur, but Im afraid Im a voice in the wilderness, almost.AF My dear man. Finance in a sense I think it is true to say has got nothingto do with the development of first class mediumship. You don't need to havemoney in the bank to become a good medium

Man: No, that's true

AF Im not saying that the College does not need financial support, that itdoesn't need more money to run it as it should be run, but I do appreciate, andI think everyone should appreciate the fact that good mediumship invariablysprings, and always did spring from often people who sadly lacked education,and had little background and money, or no money at all. Look at Sloane. Youcouldn't have had a better medium than Sloane, but he had little or nobackground, little or no education. He was a sincere genuine honest man whodeveloped a marvellous mediumship.
This is what the movement needs. A dedicated group of people who cometogether in love and in friendship and in brotherhood to further the powers of thespirit. And they utilise those powers for the common good, for the propagatingof this great truth. I don't see that happening down at Stansted. It seems tohave become - I don't know what I should say - I know what I feel like saying.I dont know. Its like a second rate hotel. People seem to come to drinktogether down there, in scandal and heaven knows what else goes on, which I findterribly depressing.

Man: I think that drink department should be removed. Vie been suggestingthis

AF It seems to me that they're developing the wrong kind of spirits.(Laughter) I don't object to anyone having a drink, don't misunderstand me. Im notsuggesting that they shouldn't have a certain amount, but it does seem to meall rather sad, that a place that should be a place of education and upliftment,and the realisation of the power of spirit, should be demonstrating to thebest possible ability to the individuals concerned. And it seems to me now to bedeveloping into something absolutely different to what I envisaged, and Imgetting very distressed about it, you know.

Man: We are trying Arthur to...

AF I know you're trying...

Man: ...to extend activities into a wider field, and cutting out the soleownership of the SNU. Trying to extend it, and we can hope that it willeventually be what I know you wished it to be, and that is a proving ground for humanactivity in the mediumistic sense.

AF I visualised it to be as a centre of light in a darkened world.Man But it is very difficult, you know. One is up against a lot of humanbeings
Speaking together: Lady: Where are the rest of the........AF When a medium passes out, or comes over here, I don't know, I wouldn'tknow. I regret to say this, but it seems to me that there is such a dearth ofgood mediumship, and those that are good are overtaxed and obviously they aredoing too much, and in consequence their health will fail, or their mediumshipwill fail, and they will lose their powers. This is happening, of course hereand there. It is all very tragic and very sad. I feel its partially due to thefact obviously the reason as you say is money, but I would like to see theCollege used as a place where people could develop the powers of the Spirit,where under certain circumstances they could be helped financially during theirdevelopment, and certainly be given encouragement in every possible andconceivable way, and gradually brought out into public to do the work of the spirit,to demonstrate the powers of the spirit. It seems to me that they depend onanyone that they can get hold of, whether they are good bad or indifferent, andthey have got to keep a programme up. And my goodness me, some of theprogrammes Im afraid I wouldn't want to be seen dead amongst them. (Laughter) Its apity they don't get some poltergeist phenomena down there to brighten thingsup.

Man That's true. Well, I do what I can, Arthur.

AF I know you do. Bless you, Im sure you do.My best wishes to all my friends, I presume I still have some leftOh yes, oh yes.

AF Of course Im being facetious. But anyway, bless you. Continue the goodwork, and you too, my dear. Give my remembrances to all, and dont think thatbecause Im being a bit caustic that Im being unkind. I don't mean to beunkind, but I must admit that I am very disheartened and just occasionallydisappointed with the college. Its not what I anticipated. Its not what I intended,and it certainly isnt going in the way in which I hoped it might go. Irealise the lack of finance. I realise that you have to run it more or less like asecond rate hotel to keep it open. But its all very sad, I think, becausewhat is important is the work that is to be done

Man I wonder if its possible for you to impress us to use again.......AF (Interrupts) The power is waning, Im told, but bless you, and I trustwell have another chance to have a conversation. Perhaps one of these days youmight bring some of your friends, and we might get down to business anddiscuss these things.
