March 30, 2025
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Announcements Announcements 2012
Diana still arround in 2012 - December 28, 2012

Diana  is still around us in 2012. Go to her Corner on the front page:


Healing power for everyone - This is the power, that Jesus used - December 16, 2012

This Power works. Everyone with a CLEAN HEART and MIND and COMPASSION  and LOVE can use it.

Greg braden The power of Healing thought

The Language of the Divine Matrix Part 1/2

Part 1

Part 2

Works I use it. Everyone with a clean Heart and Mind  can use it.

No time to die - December 10, 2012

A  New Book has seen the light of Day - No Time to Die. It's review and info on my Esoteric Books page in News in Word.

Here is my review after I read it.  Please read it than you know what it is all about  

Zwolle  10 December 2012 . 

Preview  to  No Time To Die“ 

By Aart Bosman  ..   A man of 82  . Jan 1 2012 .. .

Who lived in Holland  - As well,  Under Rotterdam  ..  And who Himself  Survived  the Hunger winter of 1944 -  With almost No Food  - and No heat . 

This Book  is a great asset to anyone who wants to know more - of what happened - In Holland  - during  that terrible War.

And  who wants to know how anyone could Survive  a Concentration Camp  ...

Wim Grotenbreg was such a man who told his story in this book.

The war years  he spent in Holland was exactly how  we lived  and, how by fighting  against this Evil of the German troups  many people survived that War- By the great sacrifice of this very strong  and brave man .

But Wim was finally caught, helping  the Jews to survive,  and was taken to  that  Concentration  Camp  Bergen Belzen.   And reading his great Story, I am convinced that he Survived - because  of His compassion  and Love that was much greater  than his own  craving to survive  . ..  He stayed alive because ,  in his mind,  was only the will to help others, less strong,  less fortunate  than Himself.  He stayed alive,  in this terrible camp  only  because  he never thought of his own self - but only Cared for others.

If you want to know the real truth about those terrible years - Of holocaust  - Read this book . 

The most emotifull  Passage , was when  Wim came back from Germany  ...  And staggered into  his Uncle’s  house   Page 64 .  I cried  . . for 15 min . .  It was so moving  to my heart . 

And from reading this book  I came to Love Wim  as a brother,­ - what A  giant of a living Angel  he was ..  and most likely still is. 

He will be  one of the first people I’d like to  visit in Heaven  - when it is my time to go .

You can buy it  for a very reasonable price.    How  you can do that  .. please read the letter above.

Wim Grotenbreg  Is the most .. Humane  and Most remarkable man . I ever read about.

Aart Bosman  .  Another Surviver - of those terrible days  - Still alive today  to write this Review.

West Minister Abby - December 07, 2012

Hi Everyone,

New writing by Ken Mills - West Minister Abby- in his Corner on the front page:


More Poems in More corners - November 30, 2012

Hi Everyone,

Wayne and Ken are placing poems and writings on their Corners again. Please take a look 

On Special corner Wayne:

And Special corner Ken Mills:

Greetings Art

Maori little people - November 17, 2012

In the folder  Special Corner-Ken Mills a new article is placed: Maori little people.

love art

Websites that show Hugh Benson as he was on earth - November 10, 2012

This shows the difference between the person Huigh Benson was when he was on Earth and the books he wrote and after when he came to heaven and spoke through Antony Borgia.


Filming with my own night vision camera - August 26, 2012

Hello everyone that reads these announcements,

About two months ago I bought a bresser night vision camera for filming the heavens above the city of Zwolle in Holland. I have some films with strange object on them so you may have a look at those films.

I will also shorly be filming with a Samsung SCB 2000 Camera soon when I have it ready.

Here are those films I produced. If you subscribe to my you tube site you will receive a notice.

I hope you enjoy. Keep watching. Something will appear. And did already.

Greetings art

Comet by the Sun - July 15, 2012

Hi all,

I will teach you to see the comet going towards the Sun on 20120713

First you go here  .

Then in the colom Start and end dates you type in  20120713 and again 20120713

Then you click on  Lasco C3  . than you click on resolution  . there you click  1024  

Then you click on search  / You will see the comet on the right site bottom going upward to  the sun.

But is it is a real comet or something else I do not know  .. but see for yourself      If you look at the 20120714   You will see it go past the Sun . and then disappear    Hi  I come back this morning  . The comet . keeps going .. On the 15th today  . it is moving North of the Sun.


UFO over Mexico 28 06 2012 - July 13, 2012

Another Ufo Url. From a friend  . Jiminezz  

OVNI UFO more close -Mas cercas Evidencia Real Mexico City Tijuana 28/06/2012 Seres de luz,


OVNI UFO Ship Slow trajectory-Mexico Tijuana 09/07/2012 - July 11, 2012


Another very good ufo.  i got tonight. A farm guy in mexico filmed it  .

This is the title   

OVNI UFO Ship Slow trajectory-Mexico Tijuana09/07/2012 Grabado por una vecina y Un nino

And this is the url:

red Glowing triangel Milan 5 Juli 2012 - July 11, 2012

This is a real good film.  It is posted in:


2012 UFO HUNTERS 2012: Exclusive Interview - April 29, 2012

You are going to see and hear a lot of incredible things in this live interview with Alison (seeingUFOsPA) and Mojo (whotookmymojo) that unfolded in March of 2012. The nature of the phenomenon; orbs and morphing; UFO hunting; spiritual and scientific aspects; the dark side of filming UFOs and UFO disclosure are all discussed in detail--backed with some of the most convincing and undeniable footage that exists today. As always, please comment with your polite and insightful opinions.

This movie is  very good  . .  Have a look  . when you all have some free time  .   Art

UFO Caught On Tape Over Santiago Air Base, Video Baffles Chilean Government - March 16, 2012 Much more feedback - March 11, 2012

Hi all my members,

I would very much like a lot more feed back . from the vistors   to my site .  And tell me . what more you would like me to ad to the site  

This way .  It is a one way . communication . I give all I have . but i do not hear from anyone . if they like it  or if i have to give more info.  .   And please send my site to all your friends on your computer . so much more people can enjoy it  .  . So please send me a small e-mail  . from my contact  box  .  .  That you see on the front page .  

Yesterday . I had 295 visitors  . If all those people spread it around  . that would reach a lot more people  

Snowball effect .

The best books about heaven . and what it  is all about . are the Anthony Borgia book .     Hugh Benson is the Spirit Author of the  book . somthing for you to Know  , is that Hugh Benson is alive and kicking in heaven  . Because when I was scanning his book on my computer . His spirit helpt me do it ,  And told me not to worry about the Copyright  .  . Believe it or not  . But just read the books . then you will all know were your going at least . Here is the place were to find them  .  greetings every one.


2012 Little grandmother Speaks again - March 02, 2012 New Announcement 2012 - January 15, 2012

Hallo all . have a nice announcement to make About the book Oahspe  

There are now . many of our friends . that made nice youtube films about Oahspe.

It is a great improment . As just having the Book  . These films do explain it all A lot better ..   Art