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Announcements Announcements 2016
David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil - February 13, 2018

New film of David Wilcox  .2016   . Is on my Folder .  were   ? All videos  .  posted today  . 12-08-2016

very very interesting film  


New Ufos Posted 2016-12-22 - December 23, 2016

Ufos  posted   . Real  art .  good film from a friend in South america  .   Ufos poste  In ufos videos  .  2016 

UFO film posted FRom friend John Gillis Schotland 22 dec 2016 - December 22, 2016

This film is  in  folder  UFO videos 2016   .  In main map  UFO material UFOS VIDEOS FOR DOWNLOAD.  front page 

marry christmas  all of you  .  Art    name of Filmer Is John gillis . Scotland  . friend of mine  ,  no fakes here 

Oahspe is the answer . As a guide . for today - December 05, 2016

hi folks  12-05-2016

I think  for the world today   . I think the new mini Oahspe  . Just out By Bob barker  . will be the answer  to a peacefull world today  . If taken serious  . Universal truths of oahspe 2016 robert bayer editor.mp4 (



new ufo - October 29, 2016

New Ufo  Saudy Ufo  .  here  art 

 real good  .  . beam me up scotty  .  ofo sithing  .  take a look.  art

ufo lands saudi arabia . life video - October 28, 2016

  Hi folks . Found a life UFO film  yesterday  . Put it on the site  today  .

Go to UFO  videos  .  front page  left  .  click ufos 2016   . Saudi  ufo.  PLay it  . 

You see ufo land  .  Extending  his landing gear  .  alien walks  out  .  Than the landing gear  is retrackted  .,  Ufo takes off  , alien left behind  .   Than shortly after  . alien  Is beamed on board  .  LIke they used to  In star trek  . fiction  .  Amazing film  . Twice enlarged  for better viewing  .   art 

more trancefiguration fils of Sylvia Howarth - July 11, 2016

 Hi All  .  Sylvia Howarth  . Our physical medium  . that did all those transfiguration sittings  . is  vey ill  .  and will never sit to show spirits again on earth  .  , So today  we uploaded more film  on her own page  , 


UKmedium Sylvia Howarth .  .  make sure you take a look  . i put on some of the month of may 2011  .  very direct  good sitting  showing many different spirit faces  .  .  most of those faces   do not look pleasant  , because Spirt persond  show themselfes often  , of how they looked when they are passing over  .  in reality  . they would look very  young and pleasant  . if you could see them now  . 

 Mor News  .  i did find another Phisical  , Medium in  Canada  .  That is mostlykely going to take  sylvias  place  .  As Soon as I have her material  Ready  . I will post  her name  And her Material  .   keep watching the announcements 2016  .  art


new ufo films 2016 - July 06, 2016

.  if you go to the file  Ufo material-Ufo videos  . than to ufos 2016- videos    . there are 3 films  . the last one posted  (  Is ufos confirmed  ! best ufos in may)  .  good movie  .  the other are too  .  art

Many visitors , makes me happy Happy - May 08, 2016

Hi All your visitors  é. Had 189 visitors  today  .  That makes me very happy  .  my webpage seem to be worthwhile  . I you want to reach me  mail me at  .  My esoteric email does not work  .  It has to be fixed  . love Art

new upload . spoken spirit voices - April 29, 2016

In the folder Spirit Material- spoken by a medium   . New film are uploaded today  29 april 2016  ./ 

the 3 bottom films  . are the new ones  . art .

searching on my webside - March 07, 2016

.  Hello all visitors to my website 

this morning i saw That some of you were looking for the Leslie flint tapes  . i will show you were the are  . 

spirit material  -spirit voices  electronic voice phenomona  Here the leslie flint tapes are present  !

and  also  in the folder  : Spirit material Spirit voices -direct voice material    art  if it does not show there i will have it fixed  . art

mothership Ufo . Releasing Disk . - February 03, 2016

  New ufo film  . To big to load on website  . very spectacular  mother ship  reasilg  smaller craft  . life  Please watch   Art