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Announcements Announcements 2018
UFOS capture on internet today - December 27, 2018

This film was captured today , on Internet  by me art.  Real good ufo film  .                      art   to all visitors .   Downloaded the film i will post it on        UfoMaterial-ufo Video  .Folder 2018 new ufo films    Click frame by frame, so much more to see.  

Laszlo filmed another Ufo over Mexico. Almost landing in the middle of mexico City . go and watch - December 24, 2018

Hi  Friends  , Marry chrismas and a happy New year   .   Wish me back on my  Contact me Folder . On to of the website in the colom About click on it  . write your e.mail  . Andfil in all what is nessesary. and send  . and i wil gert the mail.  give it a try it realy works  .  Your email adres will only be seen by myself  . No one else can see it  .  It is save  . then  

now you know how to write me an e-mail  . pls do it  .  I like to know  If i help you in life  with my website  .

I am 88 years old  . i will soon be gone  . But a younger friend will be running my website  .  And here is another  Ufo film from my friend  Laszlo Novak  . An ufo is almost landing . Andhe manage to film it . Is is spending many hours on that webcam in order to caputer such on Ufo. so pleas give him credit  . By subscribing to his website .   Art.  LaszlosNovaks film from yesterday



Posted another Ufo Film , Captured bu Laszlo Novak 21-12-2018 +film by Lou Canola - December 22, 2018


I posted another  spectacular Ufo film  . shot by Laszlo Novak  . yesterday  . It is posted On Laslo Novaks films Over australia  and europa . In the map  Ufo material-ufo-Videos download .  on my website  .  art 22-12-2018

 Also posted a film by Lou canola  . In his map  Ufo films By Lou Canola Special .  In the same Map. Also shot on the 21-12-2018 .  art . 

contact Me - December 16, 2018

To Contact me is working  .  From the top folder  ABOUT  than contct me !

fill in your name your e-mail adress , than all the point of Entry  , and send , and i get the mail instantly  .


Please some of you give it a try .  art  

MAil account . is working - December 15, 2018

Today , the mail account is working  .   I am able to receive your mails  .  From all visitors  , if you have questions  .   go to  The heading  About  , and then  contact me  . And i will receive your mail  .  when it is important  , I will answer  .  Art  2018-12-15

- December 12, 2018

Hallo all visitors  . New ufo film has been aded  . To the file   ufo material -videos for download . in the folder  

Laszlo Novak  films australia -europa.  with the date 2018-12-12   very good image of a large UFO over Mexico City  .  enjoy watching  art 

Contact Button still not fixed - December 10, 2018

Hello All visitors  .  Contact  button still not fixed  .  Maybe we will be able to  get it done this week  .  Art 


Ufo Filmer Lou Canola . with a nice film - December 02, 2018

Lou Canola . UFO filmer in Australia  . send us a very nice  Film  .  



hope you can find it  . he is a good friend of mine  .   Please copy . and past this link   . On you tube  .  art 

Contact Button should be working from today - November 09, 2018

Hello all. My webmaster fixed  . the working of the Contact Button .  So please try to send me a message  . i will answer them all.  greeings Art  

Laszlo Novak posted another film of a very large ufo 2018-10-27 - October 28, 2018

Hi  friend  . My friend Laszlo  Novak has posted another very large  Ufo Over Mexico city  .  I posted thefilm on the website  . I folder  . Laslo Novaks films Over australia  and europa.  This time the date  . is 2018-10-27  

Very amazing very large dubbel Ufo  .  a real Large Mothership  .Laszlo calls it  .   art 

Loaded . another ufo above Mexicocity . by Laslo novak - October 21, 2018

Hi everyone . I posted another  Large Ufo.  filmed by Laslo novak  . He has a corner on my website  . 

find it in the folder . UFO material  Ufo Videos  .  there you find laslo Novaks corner  . look for the date of today  

2018-10-21  . Art realy spectakular that ufo  .  

contact page 2 - October 16, 2018

The webmaster . Is working to repair the contact program .  .  keep trying to reach . now and then  . all visitors  .  have a nice day  . art. 

contact page 2 - October 16, 2018

The webmaster . Is working to repair the contact program .  .  keep trying to reach . now and then  . all visitors  .  have a nice day  . art. 

Ufo filmed yesterday over Mexico City. by a friend . Laslo Novak - October 16, 2018

It is  in the folder  On the website  

first go to UFO material-ufo videos  ,  

when your here  . go to  Laszlo Novaks film in australia and europa.  and then look for the date 2018-10-14  

and you can watch the film . art 


Contact With me - October 14, 2018

Hallo all  . when friends  send me a contact mail  . I do recive them directly .  But i see on my  visitor recorder  

that many of you do go to my contact page . and most likely send me a message  .  well that message center is open now since yesterday  . so i should have received Messages, from yesterday  . on .  But i only received them from people i ask to send .  Will you all try to send me a message . that is reading this announcemet today.  Thank you  for trying  . regards to all Art  This is my message folder  . And then I should receive them  . art 


Receive copy of message                DO NOT FORGET TO CHECK THIS  LINK  
Contact With me - October 14, 2018

Hallo all  . when friends  send me a contact mail  . I do recive them directly .  But i see on my  visitor recorder  

that many of you do go to my contact page . and most likely send me a message  .  well that message center is open now since yesterday  . so i should have received Messages, from yesterday  . on .  But i only received them from people i ask to send .  Will you all try to send me a message . that is reading this announcemet today.  Thank you  for trying  . regards to all Art 

Contact With me - October 14, 2018

Hallo all  . when friends  send me a contact mail  . I do recive them directly .  But i see on my  visitor recorder  

that many of you do go to my contact page . and most likely send me a message  .  well that message center is open now since yesterday  . so i should have received Messages, from yesterday  . on .  But i only received them from people i ask to send .  Will you all try to send me a message . that is reading this announcemet today.  Thank you  for trying  . regards to all Art 

Coctact arrangment For visitors to my website - October 12, 2018

I have arranged an email adress  on my  website to contact me  .  Anyone can sent me a question or message , from my website  .  go to The link   About      than enter your e.mail In contact me  .  and i will receive anything  you want to tell or ask me.

My mail adress  . Will be  .   but just enter your own mail adress there  . and i will recive your questions .  art.  

Made some repairs  . to the contact Box  .  Should be working  Now  .  Please  all of you try to send me  , a pleasant mail  . all of you  .  Greetings and love  Art  ..  by now it is Old art   

book to learn from , how to be a medium - September 24, 2018

This is a very good book to learn , how to become a real medium  .name andwriter of the book  . My two worlds- Gladys Leonard

On the website  .   found in books in doc  . can not give you the book here , you have to download it from the site  , were i tell you here  art

Ufos Behind The Sun - September 18, 2018

Ufos behind the Sun  

That are film i made With Nasa WEbsite  .  And Checking what was Flying around the Sun  . In this Youtube site of mine  . I have all these films stored  .  If yo go there  , you can watch them all At your leisure . 

If i would post them on my website site  , they would take up way to much space  . so here is the URL LInk again  , I gave it before  .         art

So there will not be another link on the website  ,   Hall  !

Ufo Sithing In Germany In 2012 .Spectacular - September 12, 2018

I will try  To show a spectacular  Ufo. In Germany  In 2012  .   I had it on the website  .  but it is har to find  

I will try to load the Url  . Of that Day  .  art


if that does not work  . Go to this link

andthan film number 97  .  art  . 

ufos behind the Sun - September 01, 2018

What many maybe have not seen .  Are the  fotos i took in 2012 .  from objects by the Sun  .  i call them ufo,s  

Made very slides .  that year  .  With many objects  that have nothing to do with the  sun  .  Please go to this page  .  on my website  .  And watch the very long list  . of many pictures  , that proof that there are many objects  . 

Here is the direct Link  .  

ufo filmed over mexico . by Laszlo Novak 2018-08-17 - August 18, 2018

HI friends  Laszlo novak  Filmed And Ufo over Mexico  . In a thunderstom  . The ufo became very enlarge  . Than  toke of the other way  . While still storming  .  2018-08-17  .The film is located  .  In this folder on the website        art.    


New Ufo . From 2 years ago By Lou Canola - July 14, 2018

The UFo film . Is in Lou canolas Folder . with the date  2016-07-14 .  In the map  Ufo Videos download.  

You will have to search for awhile.  But you find it  .  Very Conclosieve Evidence  . Of being life Piloted.  Art 

Spirit communication With Kinect Camera. Sure proof Of spirit Energie - June 17, 2018

Hi All my friend     Got a breakthrough .  With a gadget that is called Kinect Camera  .  It is socalled a play toy  .  but it shows  Our inner Energie fields .  So also spirit energie in the house,  if they are there  .  The  camera did not work no more  . because  microsoft , who build it , took the support away  . from the old type kinect  .  so the drivers did not work no more  .  now Sylvia  . that medium in england  .  got it working again  .  by importing the soft ware on it , from windows 7 .  very smart move on her part  . and she got mine working again as well  .  Now saterday i try it out  , i saw my own spirit moving my legs  And arms  .  But i was sitting still , as a dead man  ,  but they kept moving  . so that must have beenmy spirit energie .  Then on saturday night i put the camera on at 6 pm  .  let a run  ,  then at 8 pm . i heard Annie in my head  . tel me to go to the computer, that she was coming on  .  so i went , And i said 2 chars ready , right away an other entity .  came in the second chair  .   so i started to ask questions  . but did not get signals or anything  .  i kept asking  , (wanted to verify it was Annie  .  then about 20 min later  . i ask Annie to put her hand  in my hand  , And after a few tries she did  .  And then i was sure it was annie  .  because i could feel her energie  . go throught my whole body  .  And i was overcome  with emotion  .  it is all on film  . I try to cut the first . 2/3 part of the film  Away . but after , i did the film went from 1.7gb . to 5.7 gb  /  bigger instead of smaller  . so i send the origional to you with we transfer  .  So  thefirst 1.13 part of the video you can skip  .  then go to the last part  . with the  spirit figures show up.  from 1..13 .  they start abou counter 1.14.5 .  . enjoy  .so the  figures you see moving  , Is spirit Energie  .  That is what this camera can do  .  Art.  The film is lokated  in a new folder . Called  Kinect sittings by art  .This folder is located in the Map Spirit pictures and films to proof spirits are real/   

questions en answers from me - May 29, 2018

 Do any of you  need questions answered  . pls mail me  to  . i will try to answer via mail.   

Thank you for visiting  my website   art. 

Unified field Physics Our being part of All there is - May 04, 2018

Every human being on this planet  Should try to understand this  .  Than finally we will live in Peace And harmony.   art .

I will ad the film to the videos  . as well.  Art.  


New Ufo film Url - May 04, 2018

Art 04-05-2018  . Give you  2   url of these Ufos  taking  recently  , 

   Please watch this  Announcement page  . 2018 Mor often   because i will be posting Urls.  Of live films .

Because i lost my movie converter.  So i show them this way  . Henderson USA , seems to be a hot spot for Ufos , Because if you scroll through my film  , You will run into this city often  . With Ufo Sithings .    Art 


Ufo filmed over mexico city . With a mexican webcam - April 08, 2018

Hallo every one .  I filmed an ufo  today . over mexico city . The object appears  at the frame number 27.10  .

You find it in the folder  .  Ufo- material- Ufo Videos .  Ufo film 2018  .  You can look at the whole film  . to see all the objects filmed  . but the strange object starts at frame number 27.10  .  Art.

Medium Laverne Craven - April 03, 2018

Laverne Craven  TRANFIGURATION MEDIUM  , is back  with Material  , on my website  

Under the heading   Spiritmaterial-medium Laverne Craven  In the folder  Esotericbooks and Videos.  Today  Art