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Everything Oahspe - About Oahspe Study - Work for Service by Bob Bayer January 13, 2010

To practice the highest light a man hath; that is all that is required of any man. (1st Book of God 23:8)
Flatter not yourselves that ye shall suddenly reform all the world.

Ye can at most but reach an armチfs length. (Eskra 29:18)

To serve others is to do good unto others; to help them; to teach them; to give them joy and comfort. This is the service of Jehovih. (Judgment 6:9)

Henceforth I will neither preach nor hear preaching. Only to labor and to do good, and be in peace within my own soul, and with my neighbors, and to glorify Thee. (Ben 5:41)

I will do good with all my might; the tears of the suffering poor shall be as scalding blood in my veins; I will not sit down and rest, nor take my ease, nor hold needless possessions whilst they are in want. (Arc of Bon 23:22)

Man inquired: What, then, are good works? Shall I preach and pray for others? God said: Man, thou shalt judge thyself as to what thou shalt do. Within every man's soul, Jehovih hath provided a judge that will soon or late become triumphant in power. (Ben 5:26-28)

I say unto thee, that a poor man, who cannot read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-> > ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers. (Judgment 26:6)

But hear Thou my prayer, O Father! Make me strong, that I may carry heavy burdens for the weary; give me liberty, that I may go about helping the poor forever. Give me wisdom, that I may uncover Thylories before men. (Cpenta-Armij 2:11)

It hath been said, from time without end, that to help the poor, to give to them, to serve them, is good works done unto others. But I say unto you, this but half-way to that which is good. For ye shall not only help them, but shall go and teach them how to help themselves. This is doing good unto others. (Eskra 27:12)

God said: The words that come out of man's mouth, even though they profess prayers and repentance, are of little avail before Jehovih.

But the words that come out of good works done unto others to raise them up, are as the sound of a trumpet that reacheth beyond the stars. (Es 17:21)

I proclaim all people His People; and I say also, go forth and redeem the world. But not with words only, nor by the sword, nor by armies of destroyers but by peace and love, and providing remedies for the poor, and afflicted, and helpless, and distressed. (Ouranothen 1:24)

There shall be but one doctrine, which is Jehovih, the All Persowho is Ever Present; with good works done unto others, with all of one's wisdom and strength. And this shall prevail with the young; whom as orphans and castaways, ye shall gather up in infancy, founding them in the light of Jehovih, teaching them from the start to sing and pray unto Him, in reverence and fear and joy, that He may be glorified in their purity and good works. (Judgment 2:29-30)

And they shall become an organic body in communities of tens and > > > twenties and hundreds and thousands. But they shall have no leaders, only their Creator; but be organic, for sake of good works.

But they shall not go about preaching for sinners to go to repentance. Nor preaching for charity to the poor. But they shall go themselves about gathering up sinners, and the poor and helpless and orphans; and bring them into comfortable homes, teaching them how to live, to be a glory unto Me and My kingdoms. (Judgment 1:41-45)

Aph, Son of Jehovih, said: I perceived Thy wisdom, O Father; and Thy power and wisdom came upon me tenfold. Then I sought forever after to go to the lowest and darkest places; but, lo, when I had grown in Thy judgment, Thou spakest again to me, saying: O Aph, My Son, because thou hast found the key to unlock the doors to the highest heavens, behold, thou art too mighty for small labor. Come, therefore, with Thy Creator, for I have a whole etherean world at thy command, and thy wisdom and power are required at My hand. (Aph 8:30-31)

Jehovih said: All who hear My Voice shall know Me, and comprehend My Person. And as many as hear Me and behold My Presence shall be called Tae, for they are the first-fruit of the resurrection in Kosmon.

Of such were the Faithists in the arc of Bon and in the cycles prior to that period. And Tae shall come forth in Me, for he is My Word speaking in his labor to that end, and not by books nor by the words of the mouth. And I will quicken Tae and he shall be as a new race on the earth, practicing holiness by good works, and by associative labor, dwelling in peace and love with one another, abnegating self in all things; for of such are My kingdoms; and Tae shall lay the foundation thereof upon the earth. (Knowledge 4:22-24)

But they shall have no leaders, only their Creator; but be organic, for sake of good works. But they shall not go about preaching for sinners to go to repentance. Nor preaching for charity to the poor.
> > >

But they shall go themselves about gathering up sinners, and the poorand helpless and orphans; and bring them into comfortable homes, teaching them how to live, to be a glory unto Me and My kingdoms.

To such persons shall My angels from the second resurrection come, and
minister in My name for the joy of the earth. And when such people die, they shall be received into the second resurrection, escaping the first. Neither shall any other people in all the world escape theplace of the first resurrection. (Judgment 1:‚S‚Q-48)

Jehovih saith: Let My chosen be wise after the manner of the self-Gods and Saviors, and also seek out infants and little ones and become guardians over them, but unto righteousness and good works, teaching them peace and love, and to live in harmony, and to war and earthly profit. As much as ye do this, especially teaching spirit communion, so do ye lay the foundation for My etherean spirits to come and abide with them as guardians during life, and even after death. Neither shall ye circumscribe them in any of the talents I have given them, especially in the love of liberty, but perfect them in all things, teaching them to live in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, even as in the olden times, holding all things in common, and being as brethren, one with another.

Waste not your time in discoursing with those, who, having heard, will not practice My commandments. Nevertheless, to as many as come in your way, ye shall say: If ye can not curb your self- desires in this world, neither can ye in the next; and if ye can not live in a brotherhood of peace and love on earth, neither shall ye find a brotherhood of peace and love in heaven. (Saphah MチfHak 116-119)

Wherein thy soul perceiveth a ray of light, follow it in truth, and not in words merely. It hath been said of old: Thou canst not serve both, God and self. And many go about preaching this, but they themselves, labor for self every day. To serve thy God, is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for thyself.

Thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath.

There be such as preach for money, and withal are graduated from the colleges and called, learned priests; but they have not yet learned not to serve mammon, save in words. I say unto thee, that a poor man, who can not read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdom than are these graduated preachers. The word, labor, or work, is easily understood. Suffer not thyself to be deceived by them whose trade is preaching and praying.

They profess to be laboring for the spiritual man; and, according to the number of their converts, who
are also taught words and prayers and confessions, instead of works, so are they called, great workers unto the Lord. But I say unto thee, all these are but the subterfuges of satan (self), to palm off words
for works. (Judgment 16:2-9)
