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Special Corner - Wayne's Writings and Poems Wayne on Reincarnation January 17, 2010

A Woman came to me in spirit, and said, I am going to help you with this vigil against this evil reincarnation. I am compelled to do so, because about a hundred years ago I was famous on earth as a bringer of the theory of reincarnation. I was well know all over the earth. the higher angels showed me how wrong I was. And I have been trying ever since to undo what I sowed on the earth plain.
I am delighted to help you. Eventually you will know who I am. but it is not important. Wayne and Art you are on the right road to bring enlighting to our poor sufferers on that earth plain. Bless you. B.. This was Madam Blavatsky.  

This is such a fascinating subject I think I will tell you about it from another perspective. It was this event that caught my eye and I studied into this matter. When I joined the A M O R C there was a lot of information given to me about this condition.

Their view on this is that we all are reincarnated one hundred and forty four times. This is what may be required to prefect the being for the entry into Heaven. It is not a light subject and requires research.

It may have been better to express with memories and experiences of past lives, than to use the term "reincarnation". Why is there so many that testify into living a past life. Whether or not the people's spirit ever resides in another place or body matters very little because they are experiencing in the present that which happened before. The experience is now a very real event.

We have the ability to accept or reject that, which companions our spirit. It is the choice of the individual. Our subconscious being always open to information can indeed communicate with these spirit guides and can lead us through life with amazing coincidences.

Also one may consider the plea that these spirits are asking. They then have a chance to reconcile their actions from past circumstances and to rise up along with the person and spirit of that person. This condition is gives much information to mortal and angel. It is a learning process for that can help erase that which has happened before. It is the way that a spirit may raise up into the higher realms of the heavens. As mortals we can help them. For some it is the only way.

Obviously then other conditions can arise that can be harmful indeed to the spirit and the person. This is where one will harbour the past life memories of many wandering spirits. There also is a plea from some of those to control your life. Yes as they were controllers before and know no other way, they will keep moving from residence to residence till they come to reconcile their condition and learn from mortals. These are wandering spirits that can and do control a person's life to the point of suicide or insanity. Watch that which wants to be a companion spirit and question this spirit severely.

To discount reincarnation by imposing the theory that it is wrong is more harmful that realizing that they have indeed lived in the past and yes perhaps many many times. There are many spirits wanting freedom from their binding places that they created with little or no knowledge of the ways of resurrection. They can achieve freedom if they learn from you. They can also become free from the bondage of beliefs of others and learn from you in your journey to freedom and truth.

Many spirits or Angels have willingly left their domains to come and help with knowledge and information that will guide one to freedom. They have volunteered to assist the mortals of this world and guide people to higher wisdom. So if you feel that you have lived in another place or time you surely have and know convincing otherwise. Help comes from within and past lives may be helpful for your growth. As spirit guides guide you they are likewise guided by you.

Wayne - Nov 19/02

Hi all

What Wayne says here will maybe, started you to think along different lines of understanding . If you need help and wrestle with this theory of Reincarnation. than we are there to help you in any way we can.. I myself have been born on this earth only once, and never lived a life before. You may have people with you that have lived on earth, and are drawn to you so strongly that you might think it was you that led another life. But those people may have been drawn to you to learn more from you. So whatever could be a problem for you, or a feeling of guilt , is being blamed on you by others. Please come to Wayne and Me we will try to help in any way we can.  


2 feb 2003.