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Special Corner - Spirit Dove It realy doesn't matter ! January 18, 2010

With all of the turmoil that is currently going on in the world, it is no wonder that many people feel anxious and vexed about life; one can easily loose sight of their spiritual priorities amid all of the conflicting statements and circumstances.

It is well that we should be informed, but we should not become too engrossed in the affairs of mortals; it is far too easy to become mired down by the atrocities and absurdities perpetrated by mortals.

It is important that we maintain our faith in the Ever Present Creator, and pay as little attention as possible to the disharmony and spiritual darkness displayed by men. The Father, and all those who serve him, is our sure foundation, now and forever. Always keep that in mind and be grounded by His Presence.

There is so much beauty and harmony displayed all about us, why not dwell upon these, rather than the disharmony emanating from the men of darkness. There is much for us to love and appreciate in our daily lives; take the time to bring them into focus, let them be your guiding light. The smallest expression of the Father is more wondrous and majestic than all of the rhetoric arising from the entire mortal plane.

Wandering Star and I arose before the sun, which is our usual routine, and drove to a neighboring café for breakfast. During our trip, we enjoyed the matchless beauty of the suns rays, mingling among the straggling clouds, crowning the endless array of autumn colors of the changing season. No mortal artist could ever duplicate such a scene! Only our Creator, in all His matchless beauty, can ever display such magnificence.

It is generally known that the most spiritually profound time of day is a half an hour before sunrise; it is at this time that a clear channel, if you will, is established betwixt the mortal and immortal worlds. God and His angels often use this time to impart spiritual inspiration to us; it is wise to meditate at this time, listening to what is given in love and harmony. Be still and listen to the silence within.

Wandering Star and I are fortunate to reside in an area where `natural' beauty still exists but the Creator's Majesty can be found most anywhere, if one will seek to find it; even within the contrivances of men the Father's Hand can be seen. Those with eyes have only to see it. The Father's Presence abounds within all of His Creations, great or small.

Why am I writing this? It is simply to remind you that nothing of men's fabrication is of any importance whatsoever when it comes to matters pertaining to spirit. "It really doesn't matter" what man thinks or what he expounds. Our relationship to our Creator is the only matter of importance.

Life, which is of and by spirit, can be lived in happiness and bliss only IF we live our lives in concert and in harmony with the Father's Will.

I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, says the Creator; I Am the Beginning and the End! In no other way can you find fulfillment, unless you seek the Father first, and then strive to fulfill His mandates. The Father has provided all that we require and has filled our cup to the brim with good things; if life tastes bitter, it is only that we have partaken of the bitterness of men's darkness.

We hope that you are experiencing peace, joy and happiness in your lives and that you are one with the Almighty.

Love eternally,

Wandering Star and Spirit Dove