Spirit Material - Spirit Writings - Letters from Diana
Christmas message by Diana
December 28, 2012

" Hello Everyone,
As we reach the end of this year it is a known fact Europe is in deep financial
crisis, which it will take some time to recover from, but it is my hope that this is
something which therefore lends people to be less inclined to be drawn to spend
out in shows of material greed and more inclined to honour the true meaning of
Christmas. It is a time when families and friends unite and put all their
differences aside aiming to supplement this by embracing harmony with one
another. It is afterall traditionally the season of goodwill to all men, isn't it? For
many of course without family, and more often than not their friends with their
families so not available for company, it is conversely a somewhat lonely and
desperate time of the year as it impresses upon them that they are alone and it
is therefore seen by them to be a time of extreme sadness and isolation and so
those fortunate enough to be with people might spare a thought for those who
are not all over the world!
For many the consequence of wars currently being fought meaning that for
many families loved ones will be missing from joining them this Christmas time
and particularly children cruelly missing "Daddy", truly heart wrenching for
them so when you curse that the turkey is overcooked, or the supermarket's
Christmas cake is perhaps not of the quality you might expect for the price you
paid for it, think on as to how trivial these frustrations are in comparison to real
tragedies. Likewise the increase in knife crime in London has meant a similar
story for families suffering the dire consequences from these senseless killings
robbing them most usually of their sons and brothers. Give thanks for all that
you have to cherish as opposed to complaining and criticising and finding fault
with things that you don't have or are not exactly as you would like them to be.
If possible try to make amends with family members you have fallen out with
even in so simple a token as sending them a Christmas card, it is not the action
itself which will necessarily alter things but the energy of the act will prove
transforming if something done in sincerity. If this really is not possible to do as
in some scenarios, I fully appreciate it isn't when the damage inflicted has been
extensive and severe, nevertheless try to send out a positive thought to them
for just a moment of your time as this will cleanse and benefit all involved
energetically which is I promise you is pretty powerful.
This year has been one of serious revelations of corruption and deceit being
exposed and coming to mind is immediately Jimmy Saville, certainly here in the
U.K. anyway, whose crimes against children and mentally challenged people
have shocked and disgusted people. Hopefully the mistakes made leading this
to continue on undetected will never be repeated again and of course those who
were aware of its happening but did not ever step forward to say so openly
feeling as disgusted at themselves as their crime in having not done so being as
great as his; many would have been prevented from becoming another victim
of his systematic abuse. I have to say I knew him and never ever suspected
him being capable of such despicable acts against humanity, I only wish I had,
so for this I am truly sorry. On a positive note the exposure proving that
revelations are continuously happening and the truth about them coming out.
Hopefully, as I have said, the truth about Paris will likewise be exposed as any
killing is unlawful isn't it, and the reason officially given, so with this play on
words clearly determining it wasn't an accident! For the sake of my boys I want
the truth determined so they know Mummy would never have had so little
personal consideration of them that she would allow herself to be driven
anywhere by a drunken driver, it is an insult to my intelligence to imagine I
would. Those responsible, I vow, will pay for parting me from my boys and if
not in this life, certainly the next! So yes I am still me and very much around
and in keeping with being me: fiercely protective of William and Harry, my
As I say for those of you fortunate enough to be able to hold out the olive
branch to estranged family members, why not seriously contemplate doing so
given the perfect opportunity of Christmas to do so as making amends,
honouring the white dove of peace, this is the true meaning of this time!"
I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and special blessings in the coming
New Year of 2013"